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Rok vydání:
The primer is authored by Gary B. Born, one of the world's pre-eminent authorities on international commercial arbitration and litigation. He is the author of International Commercial Arbitration (2d ed. 2001) and International Civil Litigation in U.S. Courts (3d ed. 2000), and a leading international arbitration practitioner. He has brought a wealth of practical experience and academic achievement together to produce a practical, authoritative guide to drafting and planning international arbitration and forum selection agreements. This second edition, extensively updated and revised, includes such features as the following:
An appendix contains texts of the New York and European Conventions and the UNCITRAL Model Law, as well as arbitration rules of leading arbitral institutions.
Designed for easy reference and use by both general practitioners and specialists, the book is required for any international practitioner or corporate counsel engaged in international matters.
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